Germany | Rheinhessen

Long straight road through the centre of the vineyards in Rheinhessen

Germany's largest wine region, Rheinhessen, lies in a valley of gentle rolling hills, where the vineyards share the verdant fertile soils with many other crops in the vast farmlands. Wine has been grown here on the left bank of the Rhine since the Romans, and the oldest document about a German vineyard location - the Niersteiner Glöck - concerns a wine location in Rheinhessen.

In the late 60's and early 70's, it was a blend of whites that were popular from this region, and some may remember Rheinhessen as the birthplace of Liebfraumilch, the soft, mellow white wine originally made from grapes grown in vineyards surrounding the Liebfrauenkirche, or Church of Our Lady, in Worms. Thankfully, in recent years a new, young generation of local winegrowers, appreciating the ideal working conditions in these gentle slopes, have grown in popularity for their modern uncomplicated expressions of high quality wines, amongst them, excellent Rieslings.