New Zealand | Auckland
Auckland is a large, important and very diverse region and is home to New Zealand’s biggest wine companies and tiny boutique vineyards, both of which produce some of its finest wines. The Auckland wine region encompasses the distinctive vineyard island of Waiheke, West Auckland - a source of some of the country’s best wines - and stretches north to the coastal enclave of Matakana, and south to Clevedon’s rolling hills. Award-winning Gewürztraminer is even crafted next to Auckland’s International Airport.
The wine region was established in the early 1900s by Croatian, Lebanese and English winemakers whose legacy and names endure today: Babich, Corbans, Delegat’s, and Nobilo to name just a few. The region is home to powerful, intense reds - Bordeaux-blends to the north and also on Waiheke Island - plus world-class Chardonnay and fine aromatic style wines.
From £17.50
From £17.50
From £27.00
From £29.00
From £29.00