Penfolds | Barossa Valley
Since 1844, Penfolds has played a pivotal role in the evolution of Australian winemaking with a rich history and heritage profoundly reflecting Australia’s journey from colonial settlement to the modern era. Distinctive and consistently recognisable, Penfolds showcases a collection of benchmark wines, established in a spirit of innovation and the constant and endless pursuit of quality. Penfolds' superb Grange is Australia's most famous wine, created by the late and legendary Max Schubert, and through this single masterpiece Penfolds itself has become a living legend. Grange apart, Penfolds produce a family of fine wines, each with a distinct character, quality and provenance. The wines in The Penfolds Collection enjoy a remarkable heritage and evolution, reflecting the extraordinary energy and vision of the Penfolds winemakers. This family of fine wines display the distinctive and recognisable Penfolds ‘House Style’, making wines to style and pursuing the highest of quality benchmarks. This collection of Penfolds wine is a testament to the winemaking philosophy proudly upheld since 1844.