Schloss Schönborn | Rheingau

Schloss Schönborn Winery in the Rheingau

The Schloss Schönborn wine estate has some 650 years of history and experience under its belt, during which time the Schönborn family has amassed some spectacular vineyard sites. Many of the vineyards along the slopes bordering the Rhine river have been part of the Schönborn family estate since 1349, which has been added to continuously since then. Several top sites were acquired in the 17th and 18th centuries, giving the estate a real boost. The estate now covers 50 hectares of which 90% are planted with Riesling vines; the remaining vineyards are planted to Pinot Noir and Pinot Blanc varietals.

The philosophy which underpins the Schloss Schönborn estate, in all it does, is the pursuit of quality and to this end the Schönborn family were founder members of the Verband Deutscher Prädikats und Qualitätsweingüter (VDP), the Association of German Quality Wine Estates.

Schloss Schönborn Website