T-Oinos | Tinos

T-Oinos Vineyards in Tinos

On the harsh, hilly landscape in the centre of the island of Tinos lie the vineyards of Alexandre Avantangelos. Greek born, he moved to France at the age of 17 and, on his return to Greece, he brought an engrained love of french culture with him. He saw the potential of what his vines could become and he transformed the boulder filled, waterless earth into an internationally-acclaimed vineyard producing arguably the best wines of Greece. Creating wines of energy and elegance from the granitic soils of white and blue marble, it is truly amazing achievement borne out by the vividness of wine in bottle.

Τhanos Fakorelis is the extremely experienced enologist who undertook the task of pairing the varieties to the local Tinos Island environment and set up a vineyard capable of producing a range of expressively intense, deep and concentrated wines. Along with Stephane Deronancourt, the two of them look after the whites and red respectively, with astounding results. The whites burst with minerality and boast salinity expressive of Tinos' volcanic soils and maritime proximity. The reds show massively brooding depths of dark fruit, leather, tar and liquorice - and each show huge ageing potential.

T-Oinos Website

T-Oinos Mavro 2016
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