Australia Day Wine Recommendations

Australia Day January 26th

January 26th marks Australia Day, an opportunity for Australian's to celebrate all the things they love about Australia: land, sense of fair go, lifestyle, democracy, the freedoms they enjoy but particularly their people.

Australia Day is about acknowledging and celebrating the contribution that every Australian makes to this dynamic nation. From Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people - who have been there for more than 65,000 years - to those who have lived in Australia for generations, to those who have come from all corners of the globe to call the country home.

The marking of 26 January is an important date in Australia's history and has changed over time: starting as a celebration for emancipated convicts and evolving into what is now a celebration of Australia that reflects the nation's diverse people.

More than half of all Australians participate in Australia Day attending events organised by State Governments, local councils, community groups or getting together with family and friends. In addition, over 16,000 new Australians become citizens on Australia Day.

This January 26th, reflect, respect and celebrate with a glass or two of something Australian!

We've put together a selection of our most popular Aussie vino's that encompass styles from across the country below.

However, you can discover our full range of Australian wines here > Australian Wines For Sale at Hic!